Co-ops and the Sustainable Development Goals

This course gives a complete overview of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and how combining them with co-operatives creates a fairer world for everyone.

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Course Information

  1. Introduction to Co-operatives and the Sustainable Development Goals
  2. Co-operatives, Sustainable Development Goals and people
  3. Co-operatives, Sustainable Development Goals and our world
  4. Co-operatives, Sustainable Development Goals and systems
  5. Co-operatives, Sustainable Development Goals: what next and resources

This course is a self-paced, online course that automatically tracks your progress, enabling you to pick up where you left off with ease.

A certification will be provided to all participants upon completion of course.

Final Price – £48


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A Partnership in Co-operative Training

The Co-operative College and Koperattivi Malta are two values-based education institutions with a shared history of supporting co-ops and co-operators to innovate, grow and put their values into action.

To further strengthen that partnership, our two organisations signed an memorandum of understanding detailing specific areas of work on which we plan to collaborate. These include a commitment to create a global co-operative college network (alongside other partners) to share global best practice, the development of co-operative study tours and explore the potential of setting up dual accreditation for further and higher education teaching programmes.

The Koperattivi Malta is where education meets empowerment – together, we are shaping a future where cooperative principles flourish, benefitting both cooperative members and the broader community.



Course Details


Self-Paced - 3 hrs

What you'll learn

The course covers the development of the SDGs, and asks questions such as, ‘What are they?’, ‘Who was involved in their creation?’ and ‘What does this have to do with the co-operative movement?’
It also aims to demonstrate the various different ways in which the co-op movement is committed to helping meet the SDGs by showcasing a range of case studies from around the world.
The course uses a range of activities to highlight each individual goal and examples of the co-ops that contribute to achieving it.

Experience Needed

This course is open to all those who wish to learn more about co-operatives.



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